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Syrian official: Hula massacre committed by anti-government elements and targeting of action against the state refused to

Syrian official: Hula massacre committed by anti-government elements and targeting of action against the state refused to

Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the massacre of Brigadier-General Qassim al-Hula Jamal Suleiman
The Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the massacre of Brigadier-General Qassim al-Hula Jamal Suleiman that preliminary investigations showed that the armed groups against the government is committed Hula massacre last week that killed 108 people. The official Syrian news conference on May 31 / May that the goal of the perpetrators was to encourage foreign military intervention in the country.

According to Solomon that the Commission investigate the Syrian government has shown that victims are the families refused to oppose the government and was at odds with the armed groups, pointing out that many of the victims were relatives of a member of the Syrian Parliament.

Brigadier-General Syrian: "The initial investigation to document witnesses and by the eyewitnesses of the massacre witnessed this directly," pointing out that "the operation's goal is to abolish the armed entire state."

Continued: "We have gathered some 800 armed came from nearby areas of Rastan and others, have used heavy weapons through them. The main objective of the attack point arc and a point of Clock Tower, has groups who came from out of town to liquidate families with no income in the Syrian crisis" He explained that "the elements of the security forces did not leave the premises Tmrzakha, but defended their positions and this could be ascertained. And through the images show that the massacre took place by sharp objects, not fragments from artillery fire, which means that what happened is the filter directly." He continued: "It was noted that a large number of victims are children and that the killing of children does not achieve the goal of security forces, but that the goal of armed groups. It was found that all the victims of the families of the Pacific was at odds with the armed groups did not pretend to day against the regime in Syria" Solomon pointed out that "the first goal of the relatives of the massacre was a member of the Council of the Syrian revenge on him, and expanded to include the families of the massacre and other groups."

He noted that the "massacre Hula fall within the Arab plan, which aims to suggest the existence of civil war in Syria," stressing that "these preliminary results and the investigation continues."

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